In orderville, one of the best day's is Watering Day. The kids can just play in the water all day long, and if they are lucky enough, they walk down to the garden and get in the mud. Tate thinking he was funny said, "Colt, you don't have any on your face yet." So Colt, got mud in his hands and slapped his face with it. Classic! He is so fun!
Here we are at Grandma Brenda's house. She is so fun and lets the grandkids play with paint and playdoh and all sorts of fun things. We took the paint outside in the garage and they went Crazy! Kasen wasn't sure how to really do it but he got plenty painted!
This is one of my Favorite pictures ever! Case on his 2nd birthday. WE went over to Russell and Bev's house for Cake and Ice Cream. THey have such an awesome backyard. They have chickens and a sheep and even a little Bunny Rabbit. Case is always so smily and happy and has the cutest little dimples!
Looking At the bunny rabbit. That poor thing handled alot of little kids chasing it and grabbing it and things. I hope that it's still alive.
Case and Kasen they are pretty close in age. 1 month apart. His fun little birthday party. It's interesting as a first time parent trying to get Kasen to speak nice to his cousins and make sure that he doesn't push adn things. It's very interesting.
They have a lot of fun together though and I really like being up here so Kasen gets to know his Sorensen cousins and not just his Glover ones. He know knows their names and points to their picutres in Grandmas house and tells us who they are.
Kasen is so funny. We are pretty proud little parents. He knows all his letters and can count to 10. We obviously think he is the cutest smartest little thing ever!
The cute things that i can remember him saying:
"That's enough, mom"~ "No Dad, that's Jana's phone." ~ "Dad let's go see the horses" ~ "Jana, Jana, Jana" ~ "I am going to sleep, goodnight." ~ "Wake UP" ~ "What's that?" ~
Much more that I can't remember and I need to write down or record so I have his cute little voice recorded! Just love that little man.
My favorite Kasen moment this last weekend was when he took the blanket off of Grandmas couch, and had to steal it from under Grandpa and once he finally got it he layed on the floor and said "its mine" "its mine" "its mine" "its mine". It was really funny. What a cute kid. James and Sam already miss him, they can't wait to see him again.
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