Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Beauty and the Beast

The other night Kasen found his "monster" glasses. He just watched the show beauty and the beast and loves to chase people around with his beast glasses telling them that he is the masterpiece....ha ha ..i think that he put the beast as the master and then not sure what the piece comes from but put it together to make him the Masterpiece. He loves to crawl underneath the crib and be "locked" in and then makes Tate play the guard. Tate tells him that he is locked in forever and can never get out. Kasen acts like he is so sad and scared. He then says, "but I am a family of yours." Ha ha..he is a pretty good actor. He loves to pretend anything. Any new show he loves to reinact it and play it:) He is so fun, getting so old and smart.
And then there is my beauty. I just am loving to get to know this sweet little angel:) I love this little dress my friend Des made is for her. She looked so adorable and will be able to wear this as a shirt as she gets older:) Plus if we ever go to Hawaii, this is definately coming with us:)
Daisha is smiling all the time. I love it because she definately recognized me and gets very excited when I talk to her. She kicks her legs and wails her arms and tries to say something back but just can't quite get it out. she has found her little voice though and makes the sweetest little noises when we talk:)


Kiana Don said...

I think you might have some of the cutest kids in the world! So precious! Even through your blog I can tell you are a great mom! And as an Early Childhood Professional :) I LOVE that Kasen is so into dramatic play...VERY good sign :)

Lauren Tatton said...

Love! So cute! She is so adorable!