Saturday, January 8, 2011


ON December 19th we drove to Talmage and blessed our sweet little angel girl. We were able to have all but 1 family member on Tate's side make the blessing. I am not going to lie, I was a little sad about not having any members of my family be able to make it, but I know that's how it goes:) I know that especially my parents wished they could have but the Darn weather was TOO horrible to drive. I know they love us:)
A few things that I want to remember about the special blessing given to Daisha Dana...
Your dad blessed you to have a love of the scriptures, to study them and let them be your guide. To have a spirit of service. You have a large family that loves you very much with people all around you that want the best for you. To find a worthy man to take you to the temple when its time!

We love you sweet little girl.


Our Fun Times said...

ADORABLE!!! What a little sweethear, I can't believe how big she has gotten already. Why does it have to fly by so fast! Oh and your finger....:/ you are so lucky you didn't cut it off Jana....whew!! I am so glad I have this blog to see what is going on in your life, it makes me happy. By the way, I loved your Christmas Card, so GREAT! Love you Vevs


Oh Jana she is just such a doll!!

Brandy and Marv said...

She looks like a little angel! I love the dress! Im sad we dont live closer to each other especially at time like that! BUt I love ya and your babies are adorable- hope you guys are doing well!