Saturday, January 22, 2011

Oh Kids

My dear sweet friend Jael sent this outfit to Daisha. She looks cute it in and I was so glad because she doesn't have many 3-6 month clothes! Thanks J!

Funny Story....So we went to visit some friends and drop off some cookies. We stayed for a minute to visit and Kasen loves playing at their as I was talking and he was playing he comes upstairs and says...oops mom I peed in my underwear. Okay, wouldn't really be that big of a deal if it was an accident but he had been "accidently" peeing in his underwear for 3 days straight and just wouldn't go to the bathroom when he needed I tell him that we need to go home and get cleaned up. HE then proceeds to throw a MAJOR Major fit and is definately screaming that he wants to stay and play. I apologize to my friend and then drag him out to the car. He is still crying and screaming and trying to tell me that he still wants to play at Lisa's house. I tell him that he can't stay and play when he pee's in his underwear, and that he needs to know that if he wants to be able to do fun things that he needs to remember to go to the bathroom cause if he pees then he has to go home. He cries, yells at me some more, and at that point I don't quite yell back but almost, that he never yells at me and talks to me that way and becuase he did, he needs to go to his room and stay there for a while:) Anyway, so we are home, I take him upstairs to his room. I close his door and he is still screaming at the TOP of his lungs...LIke crazy. He puts himself inside of his closet in the corner and is crying that he doesn't want to be in time out...I never told him thathe had to be in the closet corner but apparently that is where timeout is. So, after the buzzer goes off I go upstairs and see that he has peed quite a bit more and it's all down his legs and pants. I start feeling a little bad, becuase he was in time out and apparently needed to go to the bathroom some more. I tell him that it's okay for him to go to the bathroom even when he is in timeout. We clean him up, he then begins to YELL some more so we repeat the process, I shut the door to his room and a few minutes later, I go upstairs to find him Zonked out. He was a pretty miserable tired boy I guess. I should have known, he hardly EVER throws fits like that unless he is beyond the point of no return as Icall it tired! So he napped for a little while and then was once again sad that he wasn't playing at Lisa's house, but didn't throw the fits like before! Phewph!