Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Now that's something to blog about

Happy Halloween. Kasen went as a hunter. So did Tate and I. WE were able to go Brigham City and spend the weekend with Tate's sister Shanna and her family. Regina (sister in law) and her kids were able to come and spend the days with us also, which was great. She has a son who is about 4 months older than Kasen and they play great together. This weekend really wasn't about Halloween but mostly about Tate's big moose hunt. His ONCE IN A LIFETIME tag that he drew and he was excited. He hasn't had much time to think about this hunt because of work but he finally took a hunt off to be able to hunt himself. He got his moose and now our freezer will be full of meat:) This weekend was also spent with a 3:00 a.m. ER run for myself. On Friday morning around 1:00 I woke up to feed Daisha and my boob hurt SOOOO Bad. I thought that maybe I had a clogged duct and was engorged or something so I fed her on that side trying to get it out. Didn't really help so when I finally got her fed and back to sleep I went and got a hot wash cloth to try and help it. It really didn't! I went back to bed hoping to just fall asleep, that's when the real pain started. I was FREEZING cold, I started shivering like crazy, I mean my whole body went into convoltions and I could not stop. I laid there with my teeth chattering and my body shaking for about 20 minutes, when I realized I couldn't do this anymore, so I took Daisha downstairs to Tate and got in the shower. (mind you this is all at my sister in laws house, with my mother and father in law asleep right next to the bathroom...ugh:) Took a shower, tried to express any milk or anything to make my breast feel better:) Tate went and got his sister, Shanna came in the bathroom and told me that we needed to take my temp. I got out, just Shivering, and they took my temp it was 102.7. So, she told me I needed to go to the Dr. I said I was NOT going to the ER. So I went upstairs with the heating pad and blankets trying to get warm, meanwhile, this wakes the entire house up and I am just feeling HORRIBLE, They kept tryign to talk me into going to the ER, but I don't have insurance so I wasn't going to go. They took my temperature again about 45 mintues later and it had climbed to 103.6. Tate went and got dressed and told me he was taking me, it didn't matter. I was tired and feeling horrible. My eyes even started to burn and so I said ok. WE got Daisha and took her with us. We had to borrow Shannas car to go to Logan becuase our escape's power steering broke...ugh....anyway, we get to the ER, and I all of the sudden stop shivering. I am so bugged that we are there because I am starting to feel a little better. The dr. wanted to give me an IV becuaes my temp was so high, but I convinced him I was NOT paying for an IV or a dumb urine sample and to just give me the oral antibiotics and let me go home. I had mastitis. Ugh...for all you nursing mothers out there, I am so so so sorry if you have ever had this. I pray I never ever get it again.
On a more lighter, better note. We bought a new car:) We traded in our escape, which I had mixed feelings about, but it was time. IT had WAY too many miles and too many problems that we were going to have to fix, so Tate was done with it adn traded it in . WE bought a new Nissan Altima and so far I like it. I am still getting use to going back to a car and being lower to the ground and such, but it's nice and new and pretty, so that part is fun. OH boy this post is long, but that is what I get for not posting regularly.
Kasen is still such a GREAT big brother and very patient with me and his little sister. She is growing long and skinny and getting a bit chubby:) It's adorable. Kasen is getting so smart. I bought him a "homework" book to do and he loves it. He loves pretending he is at school and wants me to be his teacher. So this way we actually get to Learn and play:) Tate has 1 more month of hunts and then its off to decide where we will go next:) Someday that part of our lives will change and we will be settled in one place....right now i wish it was Firth, I love it here, but that doesn't seem to be the way that things are looking:) We will see! Enjoy the pictures of my ADORABLE little boy.


Our Fun Times said...

Oh Jana.....I am sooo sorry. I got mastitis too, multiple times....ug. Finally, I started to notice the signs and I would catch it before it got to the point where I was freezing and shivering, and burning up and etc. It is horrible! It is straight up flu symptons, and horrible. I seriously had it like 5 times. Things that caused it: if I let Millie eat too long on one side (I started to be strict with the watch), if I wore a different bra other than a nursing bra. It feels like your chest has a big huge horrible crazy bruise....oh I feel your pain Jana. I'm so glad you didn't let them give you the IV and all that, because once the prescription kicks in it is fine. You poor thing! Keep your heating pad handy, and any time you feel your chest hurting put the heating pad on it all night and sometimes you can stop it before it progresses. The biggest thing is that now that you've had one, you are more prone to get another so just be really aware of it and try and catch it before you have to go through the achey sick body :( ( I seriously caught it a couple times before it got bad) Love ya girl, seriously...the things we women do for our little babes huh :) Call me sometime and we'll "chat." :) (that way I don't have to leave such a long post haha)