Let's be honest...there are no words for the fact that I have been a complete SLACKER in the blogging department. Here is my attempt to update out lives, thus far this summer. It's been a while. You the feeling, where you have so much to do that you just don't know how you'll ever ever get it done, so you just don't do it at all? I am that way with alot of things in my life....like running...or housework....it all goes hand in hand!! We will give it a try.
We went to Orderville over Memorial weekend. It was such a fun time. I was able to go and get Dexton in Kanab and have him come over to Grandpa and Grandma Glover's house for a while and spend time with his GLOVER cousins. This kid is hilarious. He is such a goof ball. He turned 3 in Feb and I put him on the tramp and he started busting out front flips...no lie. We had a fun time. We played at the Glovers then went to the POND and had a cookout with the family and cousins that were here. Kasen LOVED fishing and throwing rocks in the pond. He loved loved watching my cousin Howard skin a fish that was caught. He would NOT come eat his dinner afraid that he might miss something going on in the guttnig process. YUCK!
While we were at the pond, the cousins brought out a baby elk. It was so cute. It still had it's spots and everything. My sister has pictures of it, but Kasen got to pet it and then went right home and called his dad and told him he got to pet a baby elk.
WE did alot of swimming while we were there. Well, we went a few times. Daisha absolutely LOVED the water. Her hat on the other hand, not so much. She didn't even skip a beat while I was swimming with her....she loved it.
Over the weekend we played in a 3 on 3 basketball tournament that was held at the high school as a fundraiser. It was me, DeAnna and Tiana. Oh don't worry that we totally rocked it. well, there were only 3 2 other girls teams and lets face it, if we didn't win, it would have been really really bad. The guy in charge wanted to know if we just wante to play in the boys tournament. We graciously bowed out of that offer and had a good time playing agains tthe girls. Here is my future Baller...Isn't she cute?
Loving the water. She obviously has taken her sunblocker of a hat off, and it obviously fell into the water before I could save it.
My cute little fishies. We havne't found the other side of this green floaty anywhere, so we just went with the one side. It seemed to work just fine in the kiddy pool.
OH, if you were wondering what is going on, this is KASEN being a CRANE. Of course. We went to the zoo at while back and Kasen has been really interested in Cranes. Ever since we got a crane toy in his McDonalds happy meal from kung fu panda 2. I think it was a crane anyway, if not, it is now.
I just LOVE this face. She is being so silly after her dinner, she just makes the funniest faces. Oh boy, I love this little gal.
Kasen got some caterpillars a while back and we watched them grow and spin into cacoons and then we watched them hatch. Well, we missed them hatching while we were in ORderville, but came back to 5 healthy butterflies. We let the loose in our yard so they would live and Kasen was such a good pet owner for the few days that he had butterflies. He named them all butterfly except one, that he named Fred.
I love this little cheese ball. Notice her two little teeth? Yea, those are sharp!