Thursday, November 15, 2012

Daisha Turns 2

October 6th, Daisha turned 2.  She claims she is 9 and can't get her to understand that she really is only 2, thank heavens for that:)  She had a fun time opening her presents and putting on her necklaces. 
 Kasen was a big helper of course, because Daisha really doesn't open presents fast enough. 
This one I like to call, Blackmail for the future.  Here my little boy is playing with a cute little princess doll, which I could care less about, but it's still a fun picture:)  I think in all reality he was putting the dress on for his sister, but nobody needs to know that! 
 I caught Daisha sneeking her birthday cake.  Oh well.  She pulled a stool right up to the counter and started sampling.  Kasen and her did a fabulous job of decorating her cake. 
 Yes, that is my 5 year old playing with matches.  He is infatuated by the things  Anyway, he lit the candles for the birthday girl.  We sang and she sang along with us.  We had to sing it a few times because blowing out the candles are so much fun. 
Daisha had a pretty low key 2nd birthday.  Just our little family.  I think that's okay!  We played and played with her new toys.  She ate her full of frosting, and all is well.  Daisha truly brings so much joy into our home.  She has the funniest little personality.  She is very smart and talks really well.  She loves to get kisses from her brother when he will give them out.  Most 3t clothes fit her long little body.  She can count to 9, then back to 4.  Is learning her ABC song, and does the h, i , j part really really good.  One of my favorite things she does is she will randomly put her finger to her lip in the thinking pose and say, "Mom, Mmmmmmm?  Chicken."  Then she will expect me to make the sound of a chicken.  Then repeats with Cow, and Dog and Kitty.  Love this little girl!