Friday, April 11, 2008

Just like Mom's

Okay, so I am really excited about my new accomplishment! I made home-made bread! I am so excited. I mean it tastes pretty dang good. Smelled even better and looks GREAT! I am not quite as good as my mom or anything, but I am trying! I am so excited! Take a look!


Jordan & Brooke Brady said...

Looks how cute is your little boy?

Michelle said...

I'm impressed! Go Jana! Way to carry on the tradition. I guess you probably need to bring me a loaf sometime!

Jana Sorensen said...

It's realy not as good as my mom could make it, but it was my first time, so I think and hope that it will only get better! I will drop you by some when I make a really good batch! ;)

meag said...

wonderful! chalk that up as just one more reason why i am so excited to live by you...not only can we do crafts together, but we can bake as well. doesn't get much better than that!

Becky said...

Good job on the bread! -can I get your email address? I am getting ready to put a password on my blog again. You can email it to me if you want! Thanks! (I love the picture of Cayson in time-out!)