We had such a fun 4th of July this year. Well, weekend anyway. We started out by driving to Tate's parents house late Thursday night after he got home from work. WE made it around 12. Woke up the next morning and let Kasen and Daisha just play play play with Grandma and Grandpa Sorensen. I love them so much. They are the greatest grandparents ever. Kasen moved sprinklers and helped shoe Tate's horse. He also got to go for a quick ride up the field with his Dad and Grandpa. Awesome I know. Daisha and I hung around and watched the going on's of the boys and visited with Grandma Brenda. Shanna and family came down along with his Brother who lives close and their kids, so it was beginning to be a fun place with all the cousins to play with. Daisha had plenty of people to keep her entertained while so did Kasen. Saturday the in-laws (Shanna, Jentri) Ran a half marathon and Brenda, Kory and Hannah did the 5k. I was the official babysitter. It was good to see Brenda out there doing a 5k, she finished and was pretty tickled about it I think. I was so proud ;) That day we got to just hang out and talk and eat and play outside. Tate and his Dad and brother went up on the mountain to move cows and build fence and do whatever those boys do with their horses and such. Tate was pretty excited. He hadn't ridden his horse in ages and hadn't been to his parents house in over 6 months. Crazy:) I was glad that he was able to be on the mountain all day long and enjoy that time with his family. That night we had a fun bbq and set off fireworks. Kory, Tate's brother in law, put on quite an awesome fireworks show. He had all the barely legal ones he could have and it was pretty awesome....and we topped it off with Aunt Ellen's carmel popcorn. What a night! Sunday was a pretty low key day, after church we just hung around the house and talked and played with kids. What really is better than that? I am not sure. I am so glad that when I go to visit we don't always have to be going and doing something, that we can all just spend good ol' country quality time together:) More fireworks that night along with a nice big family dinner. Monday I finally woke my butt out of bed and went running, geesh you would think that I could at least go if the others are doing 1/2 marathons but no, I decided to take it easy:) I love running out at Tate's parents house. I know quite a few different ways to go and their exact mileage from running there so many times before. Early in the morning, the fields and the sprinklers, I just love that stuff! Plus I LOVE the fact that I can pretty much run in the middle of the road and I won't see a car the whole time I am out there! We went and picked up Kasen from Case's house. He had a sleep over at Russell and Bev's Sunday night. How could I forget about that one. They slept outside on the trampoline with Aunt Bev and Kasen had a blast. He was such a trooper. He has been excited about that sleepover for weeks. He even called Russel and asked him if it was okay that he slept on his trampoline:) He had such a fun time with Case and continues to tell me the funny things that Case said or did. He told Tate and I that case was a funny kid:) They are all pretty funny kids. So we picked up the kids from the sleepover and went and visited Jentri while Shanna did some clothes shopping out of her closet. I love clothes shopping out of my sisters closet, nothing better:) Came home, packed and headed back to Idaho. Got home and I missed my garden I was having a litle bit of anxiety about not tending to it for 3 1/2 days. so we headed straight out and started weeding. There is just something about weeding that is theraputic. I would 10 times rather go outside and garden than clean my room. Hence the fact that my room has been a disaster area for weeks now!! Anyway, we had a fun 4th of July. Celebrated the best way, With FAMILY. Nothing better!
Grandpa's little Cowgirl. She really does like the horses!!
WATER FIGHT. Kasen and Case played in the water almost All day friday, well all weekend actually. Pretty sure I changed Kasen's clothes 3 times during this little 2 hour stretch. It was fun.
This little guy is Case. He is so funny. He has one of the sweetest personalities that I know. He is 2 months older than KAsen and I am so glad they have each other. It's going to be fun/interesting watching them grow up!
This horse upbove us is one that Tate brought back when he bought the others from my Uncle Dellas. I think it's Jeds. But Kasen is dead set that it is his black horse and he named it Shooby Shabby. fitting I think.
We went to Rock Creek while visiting and went to see the Dam spilling over. It was pretty cool seeing all the water that was coming over the walls, and feeling the wind and the mist as we got closer to the botttom. Kasen and cousins had a blast throwing rocks in the river. He could do that for hours I think.
Me, Shanna, Jenttri...missing a few beautiful sister in laws. Sure do love these girls!
Ah, there's my girl. She LOVES peek a boo.
Hi pretty girl!
Kasen loving the sparklers. I should have bought more of these beauties, they were extra long for extra sparkler fun:)
Blurry picture, but don't want to take it off...You know how long it takes to upload these suckers!!
You know your a red-neck when you use a blow torch thingy to light the grandkids sparklers:) Seriously, he is the best father in law ever!
More of the FLAME!
Here we are, Kasen and Kenzi (in the background) thouroughly enjoying the fireworks. Gotta capture at least one family photo over the weekend. Even though Daisha was not with us at the moment she was in our hearts:) She is such an angel girl, she slept right through the majority of the loud crazy fireworks, even with her bedroom window right next to the activities. Ya, I know I am one lucky mama!
Happy 4th. Hope yours was filled with family, fun and love....just like ours!!
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