Well here are some pictures of the birthday we had for Kasen. It was lots of fun and I am pretty worried that Kasen is going to have a bad tummy ache tonight because of all the cake and crap he ate! But luckily I did get some oatmeal in him before this all went down! So hopefully it will be okay! We had a yummy dinner of corn chowder that DeAnna made! I requested that she make it because it is my new favorite, and then opened some presents and then ate Cake! I decorated the one that Kasen demolished with M&M's that he loves and DeAnna made a special Elk Cake in honor of his Daddy that couldn't be here with us on his first birthday! It turned out pretty dang good in my opinion. We got to talk to Beverly on the webcam during the singing and blowing out of the candle! It was fun seeing her and for her getting to watch all of the birthday in Colorado! Linda has set my parents up with the Webcam andher and Bev both have Macs that have them built in, so it's been lots of fun! Now I just need a Mac to joing the crowd! I wish! I just can't believe that my baby is 1 and getting older and older! I miss him being an infant. I hardly even remember holding him when he was so small! It has gone by too quickly! Lots of fun pictures! Happy Birthday Sweet Kasen! I love you! Kasen was having a BLAST jumping (being jumped) on the tramp with all the kids! Betty and her kids came and it was so great seeing them and little Keenan. I didn't get a picture of him but he is so CUTE!
Colt helping open presents. Kasen loved his animals that he got from Jael, Connor, Cooper and Keenan! All the kids were very helpful in opening presents. It was good because Kasen had no idea of what to do!
Chloe was helping and loved her hat!
The elk cake that was made in honor of Tate! We really liked it! It was yummy! Thanks D!
Kasen loved, loved, loved his cake! Yummy! IT was fun!
Digging In!
My little angel!
Me, DeAnna, Casey, and Chloe! Having a Blast at the Partay!
Grandpa caught him in the act of picking his nose!!
Grandma Glover and Kasen. I thought this was a cute one of him! IT's past his bedtime but he was being pretty patient with his Mother taking so many pictures!Grandpa Glover and Kasen! He really likes his Grandpa! He has pens in his pocket that keeps him entertained for hours! If only Grandpa could hold him for that long!
Granpa and Grandma Glover! Trying to be sneaky and get Grandpa's glasses! They have loved having him here and it's been so much fun watching him get more and more friendly with both of them! I love it!